28 July, 2009

Change is the Name of the Game....

I'm not good at poetry(but then not very good at writing either!) This started as a comment to one's of my friend's photograph in his orkut album. Since then I had saved it in my desktop and kept adding a line or two whenever I feel like. Might sound like the rhymes you would've learnt in class 5, but whatever...how does it matter! Here it goes...

In the restless dreams I walked alone, Narrow streets of cobble stone
When I turned I saw u there, Was it just a dream in the air
By the fireplace a book in hand, The past I try to find
But memories are never far, I wish it was another hour

Why I never know yesterday, Was it just another day
Can't I ever know tomorrow, Is it filled with sorrow
Is this what it's going to be, the only thing I can see
Something I cannot hold, as pages of life seem to unfold

Sorrow will be later, but it doesnt matter
Things will never be the same, change is the name of the game

(Line 1: courtesy Gautam)